Monday, June 2, 2014


We learned a lot this month about Argentina but I know I also learned about myself even more. Being that this was my first time out of the country I think in some ways I learned even more. Traveling with a group of people you don't really know can have its benefits and drawbacks. On the plane ride down I got incredibly sick and passed out before throwing up twice. My team was so wonderful and took such good care of me. That's when I knew everything would be okay. We worked together so nicely and those girls became closer friends for me as the weeks went on. It was hard to say goodbye to the families as we were leaving knowing that they are more than 5,000 miles away. But it was also hard to say goodbye to the ladies I just spent a whole month getting to know. We laughed so much together this week. On the way home Amy and Laura were behind me on the flight and I heard them laughing through my headphones. I'll miss the faces and comments and laughter we shared every day over the past month. I'm so happy to be home and excited to see my family and friends and students again. But a little part of me is sad to let go of the ladies who became like family for a month. We certainly shared some tough times together and worked well together. I know it's only a few miles between us but life seems to get in the way sometimes when you live near each other. Hopefully summer will allow us to get together for pleasure and share the memories of crazy days spent in Argentina. Everyone has arrived safely at their final destination. The flight was amazing. And we are happy to be home in our own homes and beds. Thank you to everyone who helped make this month happen. We couldn't have done it without you. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saying goodbye

This month has been full of hard goodbyes and wonderful hellos. Each family we visit becomes such a part of who we are and forever changes our lives. As we prepare to say our Final goodbye today I'm even more sad that there won't be any more hellos. Each family I have stayed with has had a completely different dynamic and personality so I have been able to experience so many different things here. I can't even begin to say thank you enough to all the people who made this possible. I am so blessed and overwhelmed by the generosity I have experienced this month. It truly is a once in a lifetime experience. Thank you everyone for helping support me. Thank you to my team for being great and thank you to the German team for making our time even more interesting. Thank you rotary for supporting me. Thank you to my parents for helping me make arrangements for his trip. Thank you to my friends and colleagues and students for helping out at school. And a special thank you to everyone we have met along our journey here. This month wouldn't have been the same without any of you. I'm so blessed and happy to have known each and every one of you. Until we meet again you will be forever in my thoughts. And if you decide to visit the United States you will always have a place in my home. Hasta luego. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

A Friday night gathering

Every Friday night my hosts Jose and Maria have friends over to dinner. The house is not large and by the time 8 people had arrived we were pretty crowded. But they kept on coming and by the time we were complete we were 14 people plus three children crowded in this space. It was a wonderful evening of friendship and laughter which went on for hours. This was truly an Argentinian dinner at its best and they accepted me as one of their own in spite of the language barrier. Indeed this was one occasion where the language became a source of amusement as we tried to teach each other our own language. I will take this night with me as a memory to be cherished. 

The heart of the matter

As we prepare to leave tomorrow my most lasting impressions are of the kind and generous families that have opened their homes up to us these past four weeks. The families that I stayed with showed me nothing but kindness, patience and warmth. The language barrier made dinner conversations comical at times and truly touching at others, as we found new ways to express ourselves- and when the light of understanding finally went off we could share in our success! 

¡Gracias por su hospitalidad!

Marinelli family!

Jose and Monica Herrero

Carlos & Norma 

Ana and Jorge Marquez 

Thank you for everything!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another gem

Laura noted in an earlier post that we have seen many churches and cathedrals on this trip but that she enjoyed the visit to St. Patrick's church in Mercedes and that it was a real gem in terms of its architecture. 
Well today I found another gem right here in the heart of Caseros. It is the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes and is modeled on the real church in France. It is a massive building with beautiful double spires and lovely decorations. Like Lourdes it also has a grotto and a full crypt below. 
But the amazing thing is that each year on Februaury 11, the date of the apparition in France, some 300,000 people gather here in Caseros, to celebrate the day. That is a lot of people packed into this small area and a remarkable thing even in this very Catholic country. 

A couple of views of the church. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


This afternoon we were lucky enough to meet up with some old friends from a few weeks ago. Pilar and Martina were able to meet me for coffee and I even found a few German friends on the way too. We enjoyed a coffee together before going our separate ways. It was great to catch up and share what we have been doing the past few weeks. Lucky for me they live close to Palermo and were able to meet us. What a wonderful day. 

The meaning of exchange

We have seen many different places these past few weeks and met countless new people with welcoming smiles and hearts. As I reflect on my most memorable experiences, I am reminded of the time spent with the families. The real exchange, for me, did not take place on our tours, vocational days or sights, rather it occurred with the families at breakfast, lunch, free afternoons, mate or dinner. During these times I saw into their hearts, their eyes and minds. The selflessness of their time and understanding nature are an example to 
The exhibition of humanity during this trip was inspirational for me. 
Nancy Somers-Jose C. Paz
9 de Julio-Alberto and Maria
Mercedes-Aflredo and Susana
Caseros-Delia and Family