Monday, June 2, 2014


We learned a lot this month about Argentina but I know I also learned about myself even more. Being that this was my first time out of the country I think in some ways I learned even more. Traveling with a group of people you don't really know can have its benefits and drawbacks. On the plane ride down I got incredibly sick and passed out before throwing up twice. My team was so wonderful and took such good care of me. That's when I knew everything would be okay. We worked together so nicely and those girls became closer friends for me as the weeks went on. It was hard to say goodbye to the families as we were leaving knowing that they are more than 5,000 miles away. But it was also hard to say goodbye to the ladies I just spent a whole month getting to know. We laughed so much together this week. On the way home Amy and Laura were behind me on the flight and I heard them laughing through my headphones. I'll miss the faces and comments and laughter we shared every day over the past month. I'm so happy to be home and excited to see my family and friends and students again. But a little part of me is sad to let go of the ladies who became like family for a month. We certainly shared some tough times together and worked well together. I know it's only a few miles between us but life seems to get in the way sometimes when you live near each other. Hopefully summer will allow us to get together for pleasure and share the memories of crazy days spent in Argentina. Everyone has arrived safely at their final destination. The flight was amazing. And we are happy to be home in our own homes and beds. Thank you to everyone who helped make this month happen. We couldn't have done it without you. 

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