Monday, April 7, 2014

It is now just 24 days until we board the plane for Argentina. Apart from all the things that I need to do before we leave, the hardest thing I am having trouble wrapping my head around is the thought that we are heading back in Autumn.  After a long hard winter here in the US I was looking forward to Spring (which is not here on this cold and wet Monday) and instead we are headed back to an impending winter.  O well. At least when we return in June it should be summer. And the team from Argentina, having had Spring here, will have to head back into winter. But whatever the weather we are excited and ready to go.


  1. I can't even believe our departure is knocking on our door! A few things to tidy up here at home with work and all but I'm ready. And as always the month of April is booked with meetings and obligations. Just the better though. This way everything will be in order to leave May 2nd.
    I am actually welcoming this dreary day, that way I can't be tempted to go outside to do yard work, too many other things that need to be done:-)
    Our introductory video is just about set, just need a few photos yet to bring it all together.

  2. I can relate to your excitement. There is nothing in the world like GSE. Enjoy every moment and take it all in. You have an opportunity to make friends that you will cherish forever. Peg Sennett GSE Inbound Chair
