Sunday, May 18, 2014

And finally

Finally, what would a District Conference be without a dinner and awards...and we had both. Now it must be said that even after two weeks here, we are still trying to adjust to the dinner schedule. Last night, for example, we sat down to eat at about 10:15pm and did not get done until gone midnight. And then the dancing started!!!

Following is a group of shots from the evening. 

Laura and Amy from the USA team. 

The German and American teams seated together. 

Reese, Amy and Larua dancing the night away. 

They handed out stylish hats for us to wear and I got Jess, Reese and Amy doing a selfie!

In spite of my hat wearing spree, I did not get to put one on last night, but Annabel, the German team leader did and she is very stylish indeed. 

And to wrap the night (or day) up, on the way back to the hotel, our driver wanted to talk about politics which was fine except that by then it was 2am!!! Just when we get used to the schedule here, it will be time to board the plane and head home and readjust to the schedule there! 

All in all, a great day and event. We believe that we represented our District well and we grow in appreciation of the wonderful spirit which is Rotary throughout the world. 

Thank you DG Gustavo. 

And Vive Rotary!

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