Thursday, May 8, 2014

New friends

Today we were able to visit yet two more schools. Our group first went to a school where the students learn British English and are studying to be teachers. We had a wonderful time talking to three classes about the differences and similarities in our cultures. We were able to discuss stereotypes and other wonderful things. The students were so eager to learn and discuss. After lunch we went to an institution for those with mental and physical disabilities. They live there all the time and receive educational programing for their needs. Amy and Laura became instant friends with some of the girls and Paddy became a hit when he blessed the girls. It was a nice facility. Our final stop today was a Lutheran center in town that occupies an entire city block. It has a preschool, primary school and a secondary school as well as a church and nursing home. This was by far the best and most beautiful school we have seen so far. We were even able to do the hokey pokey with a group of 3 year olds. It made my heart happy. Allie found some friends in one of the classrooms. 
The nursing home at the facility was quite interesting too. They service 78 people and have room for 80. A number of years ago they received funding to add on to the facility and create a rehabilitation area for those who need it and construction started. But the funding stopped in 1980 and they aren't able to finish the construction. They indicated that it would only cost approximately $35,000 to finish the project but they simply don't have the money. The addition would allow approximately 50 more spaces for rehabilitation. The entire place was amazing and they love what they do. It's very clear to me that everyone is passionate about the children and people they care for. Tomorrow we have to say goodbye to the places we have called home for the past week. I will be so sad to say goodbye to my host family. They have been so hospitable and I couldn't have asked for a better week. But, onward we must go and I'm sure the next week will be equally as exciting. Tonight is our first presentation to the club here in Jose C Paz. Wish us luck as we attempt to present in Spanish. 

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